Explore NBA stats from the last 5 seasons.
Select stats for Y-Axis, X-Axis, and Circle Size to display them on the scatter plot shown.
Try hovering over these items for more information:
- Circles on scatter plot for information about each player.
- Y-Axis, X-Axis labels and Circle Size label in the legend for information about the stats displayed.
- Top-left corner Stats Description for a comprenhensive explanation of all stats.
Machine Learning Sandbox
Use the sandbox below to try machine learning!
How it works:
- Select up to five stats. These stats will be used as training data for a neural network machine learning model.
- Select an output stat. The model will be trained to predict the value of this output stat based on the previously selected stats. The predictions are made on new data that the model has not encountered before in training.
- The Training Progress plot shows the Loss (lower is better) as the neural network is trained over many iterations.
- The Results graph plots the model's prediction vs. the stat's true value from data.
- If the circles in the Results plot form a diagonal line from bottom-left corner to top-right corner, that means the predictions were generally accurate.
- This type of machine learning where inputs are used to predict a numerical output is Regression.
All stats and their descriptions from basketball-reference.com.